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NJCU to Relocate School of Business to Heart of Jersey City’s Financial District

With the flick of the shovel, groundbreaking for New Jersey City University’s School of Business officially kicks off. But construction for the nearly 70,000 square-foot-space in the heart of Jersey City’s financial district is well underway.
“We noticed a few years ago that one of our biggest opportunities here at NJCU is at the School of Business. They’ve been growing the student population for a while,” said NJCU President Dr. Sue Henderson.
NJCU’s President and member of our Board of Trustees Henderson helped develop what had long been fields of interest — like finance and accounting — into an actual School of Business in 2013. But now, thanks to public-private partnerships and a 20-year lease with Mack-Cali Realty, it has a home on a piece of prime real estate.
“What we weren’t taking advantage of are all the firms on the waterfront. So we began reaching out to those businesses to say how can we do internships with you, how can we prepare our graduates so that they can fill your offices?” Henderson explained.
The school is planning to build a simulated trading floor, classrooms and conference spaces with state-of-the-art technology.
“Look out and see Wall Street just across the water. I think it is a stimulating way to help them to grow as they’re talking about business and finances,” said Sen. Sandra Cunningham.
“Government resources can no longer do the job by themselves, but by bringing the business community in with higher education, they can work together to provide the financing that we no longer can,” said Sen. Ray Lesniak.
Sens. Lesniak and Cunningham sponsored legislation allowing for the expansion of higher ed partnerships.
“Facilities at Montclair State, at Stockton and now right here in Jersey City. Without it, this wouldn’t happen,” Lesniak said.
It’s also allowed for a partnership with this station. NJTV will build a new studio right here.
“It will continue its ongoing mission to provide New Jersey with smart statewide news coverage and this studio here in Jersey City will be especially instrumental in helping us expand our reporting on business issues,” said NJTV General Manager John Servidio.
“It’s my firm believe that higher education is responsible for helping to be an economic driver for its community but also be a community partner,” Henderson said.
“It’s gotten tougher out there. It’s hard to get ahead, it’s hard to get that first foothold, it’s harder to make your mark and I think that’s what we’re about here today,” said NJCU School of Business Interim Dean Bernard McSherry.
The School of Business will relocate here from its home at the main campus on Kennedy Boulevard and is slated to be open in September of 2015.